Friday, January 30, 2009

Damage =(

This is one of the bigger trees in the back yard. I think it will survive but its missing a limb or two.
Backyard. Maybe now I can get Shawn to tear down that stupid dog pen since there is 1/2 a tree on it lol

The big ugly green bush.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I hate this weather....really I do. I will take my 110* summer weather over this crap any day! If anyone would like me to send you some snow....I will GLADLY lol. Luckily we haven't lost power or we would be shacked up at Nannas house. 6 months prego and icy conditions when you are not naturally graceful at all is not a good combo.

And more snow....

The big ugly green bush. I hope it dies a painful death.
One of the trees in the neighborhood

Snow Part Deux

I mean it Manda Marie.....COME GET YOUR SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Ice Baby....

My poor shade tree! Hopefully the limbs don't break with all the ice!

BLECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This sucks!!!!! And there is more on the way =( You can actually hear the trees creaking and limbs snaping in the park accross the street.The road looks fairly decent in front of the house but trust 530am it was anything but. It took me 30 min to drive the 3 miles to work. I would take some closer pictures of what looks like snow but is really ice but my prego arse is not going anywhere near it until morning and then that is debateable.

The Haircut....that didn't happen

She looks real cute doesn't she? She was really patient waiting for her turn. When it was time to get the deed done Abbie was NOT having it. She just would not sit still. The only thing that got done was a bang trim and a crappy one at that! If I had known she was going to be that rotten I would not have bothered taking her to the salon....that supposedly specializes in kiddies. All Im going to say is Im glad she didn't charge me!

Visiting Great PaPa

Last week we took a trip to see Great PaPa. This was the first time we were able to make it to
St Louis since my Grandma Bettye died. Abs was too cute....she pulled PaPa over to the table and made him sit down.
The other great thing about that day was Big Girl Panties!!! All day with no accidents even driving 3 hours one way!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ninites and cheese monkey

Some little girl has decided she can not go to sleep without various critters in her bed. Currently the selection is Tasha, Teddy Bear, Too Bear (Winnie the Pooh) and her pony. Heaven help you if you try bedtime without the appropriate ninite items.

The second picture is just a squeaky clean girl being her usual cheese monkey self.

Big girl bed!

My how the time flies by. This was actually my bed when I was growing up until I traded with Jean. I won't say how old the bed is....just realize its older than dirt lol. Abbie did not like the arrival of the bed frame either. But as usual like her Mamma she fussed and fumed and got over it. We had to put a bed rail on it because it sits pretty high and the last thing we need is another bonk on the head lol.

Movin' on up

With the upcoming arrival of Wee Man (poor baby still has no name) we decided to kick Abbie out of her Dora bed. (I refuse to buy another crib mattress) Nana and Grandpa brought the mattress over last Wednesday night. Oh my did that NOT go over well! Abbie is proving to be more and more like my Sister and I. Change is not fun. She spent probably 2 hours screaming, ranting and raving because she was PISSED! She kept trying to move the mattress out of the room.

Eventually she did settle down and slept all night! YAY no little girl crawling into bed with me at 3am!!!!

Happy New Year???

Abs and I went up to camp on the 2nd. This pic is her being her usual self trying to get into everything and amusing her adoring public. Later that evening proving that grace does not fall far from the Mamma...she took a tumble and smacked her noggin on the concrete floor.

A trip to the ER for the resulting concussion and spending the next day cleaning vomit out of my car....what a way to start the new year!!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Its a.........


Yep its a boy....anyone have some name suggestions?